Jul 31, 2019
This week I talk to John Platt, a Distinguished Scientist at Google, about twin problems: finding cheap zero-carbon energy sources and mitigating global warming. John is a polymath, having discovered asteroids, helped put the touch in computer touchpads and even won an Academy Award for scientific and technical...
Jul 16, 2019
This week we return to the world of thinking robots with Chelsea Finn, one of the youngest experts in the field, who talks about her journey, about her work in meta-learning and about lifelong learning for robots.
Jul 4, 2019
This week, we look at AI in India. With its massive population, fast-growing economy, English-language education and large supply of brilliant researchers and engineers, it should be competing with China and the U.S. for dominance in the space. But it is not. I talk to Partha Talukdar, a professor at the Indian...